course list
Here is a full list of the courses I have taught with a short description of the main content. Unless otherwise noted the course language was German.
Sept. 2010 – June 2011: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest | Hungary
Orientation (1x)
Difference between learning in school and at the university, finding out about learning types, preparing for presentations, how to do citations and references, history of the development of science & humanities, university structure & hierarchies, etc.
Presentation Techniques (1x)
How to prepare for presentations, audience oriented, presenting research results, moderating discussions, different forms of presentations besides power point, giving and receiving feedback, and of course: practice, practice, practice…
Textproduction & Textanalysis (3x)
Analysis of different text forms with a focus on journalistic ones, and a lot of writing, writing, writing…
Written Text (2x)
Production of news articles, gloss, editorial, CV training, and production of reports for a youth online magazine
Verbal Communication (3x)
Verbal communication vs. non-verbal communication? Interpersonal communication, short presentation, long presentation, elevator pitch, argumentation, moderation, four sides model of communication (Schulz von Thun), …
Cultural Studies (2x)
Contemporary politics, economy, geography, culture, and social life in German-speaking countries
Oct. 2007 – July 2010: Paris Lodron University, Salzburg | Austria
Introduction to Scientific Working Practices [in Communication Studies] (3x)
How to find and formulate research questions and translate them into scientific work:
finding literature, how to cite and reference, give presentations, etc.
Open Access, Open Content, Open Source – Open Media (1x)
What can we learn from the success of Free and Open Source Software and how can we apply this knowledge to other fields of creation/(information) goods? Please visit for further information
Practices in Media and Communication Organizations (1x)
Practical Course; Part of the Master Exchange Programme in Media and Communication Management (MCM), a cooperation between the ICT&S Center, the Universities of Salzburg and Vienna, and the Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Course language: English
Social Software: Tools for Cooperation (1x)
How can we make use of Social Software, e.g. for political participation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Social Software?
Please visit for further information
PS Web 2.0 – Collective Intelligence Reloaded? (1x)
How does the role of Internet consumers change (”produser”)? How does this affect content production on the web (validity, quality, etc.)?
Additional teaching:
Soziale Netzwerke: Vor- und Nachteile (2011)
Moderation im Sprachcafé
Social Software: Tools for Cooperation (2008)
Workshop as part of ditact – Women’s IT summer studies